Sunday, November 9, 2008


Well, life in Cofradia is tranquilo as usual. But despite how mellow it is, you get used to it reallly fast. This weekend we went to our local merengue bar/restaurant/dance floor to celebrate one of the volunteers birthday. Which despite how unclassy the whole thing is (its a shack on a dirt road), proves to be a ton of fun everytime because you can kick back and dance without a care in the world! And other than that I spent alot of time doing laundry. Seeing as its done by hand, laundry is a full day, painful activity.
Tomorrow I´m heading back to school and hoping to get more done with less interruptions (we always seem to have surprise days off for things life a professional development day which turned into a shopping trip with the principal).
I´m finding it hard to write recently because everything here seems normal to me, not really noteworthy. But then again when I think about it I catch myself doing and saying ridiculous things like ¨Victor, put down the cinderblock and come to class¨. Or how they deal with things.. For example they principal forgot to pay the power bill at the school, so that day they sent home a letter saying it was colour day tomorrow (dont wear your uniform but pay 5 lemps) and collected money to pay the bill. Or seeing animals that you cant tell what they are because they hae the body of a goat with sheep wool. Its amazing how quickly you can meld into things that are so far from what you´re used to and begin to see everything as normal!


Anonymous said...

It's amazing how things can change in the blink of an eye, its funny to hear you talking about ridiculous things as if they are normal now. Your going to have lots of fun transitioning back into brampton!! well maybe i could hire some little kids to fight and pick up cinder blocks and some horses to run up and down your street and chickens to accompany you on the bus for the first while just to make the transition smoother! your going to have looots of funny stories when you get back, i'm excited! I'm really glad to hear that your having such a good time and really getting into everything there. Take care Laura lai!

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your posts on and off... We live in a truly amazing world with so much diversity... it is amazing...

I'm glad you're enjoying things out there...

The kids (especially Hannah) ask about you often... and we show them some of your pictures... You are missed!

Take care!


Anonymous said...

i used to have an account on here, but i dont remember the password, which stinks.

im glad your having a blast, and i hope you continue to have a blast for the rest of the time your there.

i love you baby, and when things get tough, keep your head up =)

i miss you VERY much.

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura,
Rainy, cold and yukky out-leaves are down and people are beginning to put up holiday decs-earlier every year. Uncle Mike is off to Vancouver tomorrow and he'll see A. Heather and U. Peter for lunch when he arrives.
John has finished football and has all limbs intact!! I am busy with gym and a fundraiser . I will see meredith this week at Guelph -she is sooo busy with school (her version of norma. She is doing a bullying class at an elementary school as one of her school projects . I think she would describe her students as unruly and out of control as yours!!! ( She has yet another cold and is getting ready for finals but feels lousy.

I just want it to SNOW soon so it is white and fluffy out. Take care and continue to see as much as you can. Like you I loved Antigua as well but I would not want to live there forever!! Love ya and look forward to seeing you in December??
xox Aunt N