Sunday, November 16, 2008


Well, its the end of another relaxing weekend and the beginning of anothing wild week. Last week was the first full fove day weeks we´ve had for over a month! And despite the pressure of working that hard (compared to the chill lifestyle of gotten used to here) it was good to actually get something accomplished!
In english we´ve been working on past tense verbs (regular and then memorizing irregular). After a full week of flash cards, races, worksheets... I had them write sentences about what they did last summer. I was feeling like for the most part the kids understood it. Then, out of the blue, one of my kids proudly handed in the sentence "Last summer, I slept on my cousin" and I completely lost it. I marked it right for him because I was about to try and explain that one.
I´m really enjoying it here and I think it´s mostly because of the other volunteers. There are 10 of us now and we´ve gotten really close. We take trips together, laugh at the ridiculous things our kids say, try and meet more locals, go dancing, laugh at the strange inbred animals wandering the streets (sheepgoats, midget cows, warrior cocks...), try and keep track of the web of everyone being related around here (its really messed up, pretty much everyone is related to everyone and if you´re over 14 you have a kid)... Anyway, we´ve created a strange little family amoungst ourselves and its going to be wierd to leave it! You definately get sucked into this world!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that was another hysterical story!!Will getting back to 'normal' ever seem normal to you? Bless you for forging ahead and keeping your head up and eyes open.
It is beginning to look a wee bit like Christmas here-with stores decorated , houses are getting their lights put up and some people are decorating outside now too. It is COLD and snowy up in Barrie and north-so enjoy that warm balmy weather while you have it-guaranteed you are going to go into shock when you come home!! Stay well and be safe-Love Aunt N