Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Well I just got back yesterday from 5 awesome days in Guatemala! It was such a nice change of pace, and although we were mostly in tourist areas you can definately tell a difference in the people! We started in Antigua (which I LOVE and could definately live in), headed to the hippie town panajachel, kayaked on lake atitlan (an imploded volcanoe, surrounded by 3 other volcanoes and many mountians), shopped in the largest market in central america (chichicastenago). Mostly the trip was wandering around, eating good food (a nice change!) and bartering for christmas gifts.
Although I loved the places, the people and the whole trip it was certainly nice to get back home to our crappy little town. And especially nice to get back to the frusterating days with my grade fours. We´ve just finished exams.. so now at least I know what level my students are at. Which leaves me at the frusterating point of how to deal with the stranglers (some kids have little or no comprehensions of english and therefore dont understand anything thats going on) and how to keep the bright ones moving.


Bekki said...

GUATEMALA!!!!! oh how i miss it. wow you're doing such awesome things.........

Eck said...

LDH...i miss you
you sounds like you are having an amazing time tho!!
i wish that i could be there to do it with you..lol
anyways..i wont keep you long cuz i know you are a busy girl... but i just wanted to say hi and say that i miss you and can;t wait till you come home
stay sweet doll
love you ECK xxoo <3