Monday, November 17, 2008


I realized today that whenever I am describing something here it´s ALWAYS followed by the word enough...
Like after a shower. Feeling Clean? Clean Enough. Which actually means I couldnt stay under the freezing water for long enough to get a good scrub in. Or Í´m clean despite the dirt engrained in my feet. Or I got clean but am already sweating and sticky. Clean Enough.
Or when describing the food, its good enough. At school this usually means despite the bones in that they forgot to take out. Or despite the fact that I cant figure out what it is. Or despite the fact that I got a hoof instead of meat. Or despite the fact that its the same thing as ever other day. Good Enough.
Or how on a good day, my class is quiet enough. Which actually means I could hear myself yelling unlike most days. The sad thing is most of the time they arent even quiet enough.
Or worst of all when the work is correct enough. Spelling errors, misarranged words and unconjugated verbs... If you can mostly understand a sentence, its correct enough! (Dont get me wrong we do encourage proper english, but I try to work on one grammar aspect at a time).

Anyway, toda was a pretty frusterating beginning to the week. After planning alot to do with them it was a huge stuggle to get them to stop fighting, talking and wandering long enough to accomplish anything! But theres always tomorrow!


NancyPickering said...

Here is a suggestion-
Maybe try an old parenting trick "when you feel like 'the kids aren't listening' Start talking in a whisper and they seem to stop and try to hear what you are saying." The theory is that the more we shout at our kids the more it becomes white noise to them and all they do is try and shout above you. The opposite might hold true. Whisper and they may try to hear you and STOP yelling at one another long enough to figure out what you are trying to say. If this makes any sense to you -it may be worth a try.

Or maybe start a clapping song that gets their attention and signals they'll need to be quiet when the song is done!! Good Luck-I don't envy you-it is hard when we are trying to do good and our efforts are seen to be lost on the beneficiary. Keep on trucking-god bless and be well. Aunt N

Anonymous said...

A. Nancy has just sent me your blog site ... great to hear about your unique experiences & also plse that u r enjoying it, plus u r well.
We did have a nice get together over lunch with U. Mike. All is well. Nothing very exciting here... Tina cut her hair into a Bob a couple of wks ago. Looks cute. I've frwd your site to her & Matthew. Hopefully they will contact u. Keep your spirits up, we all love you & r proud of yr efforts. Ur in our prayers
Luv A. Heather

NancyPickering said...

hey no news in a while. John and I are off to Peterborough and Ottawa to look at schools -so we'll see Em on Thursday night. Looking forward to that.
Hope you are well-Mom says you'll be home for Christmas -I hope we see you.
Take care Love Aunt N

Eck said...

LDH.. i feel like a terrible friend.. i haven't written you in sooo long. It has been a hectic few weeks with exams and projects and stuff, but thats no excuse. By the sounds of things, you have quite a bit more on your hands to say the least. It sounds like you are really starting to enjoy all the amazing aspects of things down there, and about the things here that you miss, and you don't really realize it till you don't have it! To tell you the truth i am really jealous of you. As many times you say that things aren't going how you want and stuff, i really wish that i could have experienced the good and bad that you are. I know when you come home you are going to be a changed person, but you are always going to be the loving, care, hilarious, fun, everything Laura, and this change will only add to your long list, and make you an even better person, if that is possible.

I really miss you, and reading these stories makes me miss you more and more. All i want for christmas is to see my LDH. Derek and I were talking the other day, and we realized how much we really miss having you around, and how you make us better people and how having your fun loving spirit around makes our lives that much better. We really do miss you, more than you would think.

I can't believe that you are coming home soo soon. Instead of counting down the days till christmas, we have a countdown to when LDH comes home. YAY, i can't believe it. Its like 2 christmas'.

So, now you need to tell me when I can come and see you, or wen you are coming to see me. I know that you have family to see, so that better mean you are coming to see me too!! lol

i miss you LDH.. so come and see me, or give me some info to come see you

miss you
love you