Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Chicken Trucks

well today we got a surprise day off school due to the hurricane/tropical storm. Here in cofradia, its just a TON of rain but apparently in other parts of the country theres severe flooding. So I´ve just been reading (onto my 6th books since arriving).
anyway, i figured i would use this gift of time to share with you a distinctly central american experience that the other volunteers and i joke around about alot... riding the bus (or as they call them here chicken trucks).

Things you would never do on a bus anywhere but central america...
1. sit 3 to a seat and cram another 30 people into the aisles (literally)
2. be expected to get on and off the bus while moving
3. use the emergency exit as a door
4. use the roof as a seat
5. take the old broken down school buses (not longer legal in north america therefore shipped down) at full speed
6. pass another school bus while climbing a mountain around a corner
7. had chickens loose on the bus
8. had the bus driver stop so a drunk could buy a beer
9. had the bus driver stop so the drunk could take a leak on the side of the rode (x2)
10. had the police search the school bus and not arrest the drunk man who was currently feeling up a woman
11. Had a portable toothbrush salesman give a live infomercial.
12. been sold fried chicken (and a variety of food) through the bus window by people running beside the bus
13. had a man selling pills to make your kids smarter
14 had people buy pills to make their kids smarter
15. get charged more because your white... and yet still pay under 2 dollars for an hour and half bus ride
16. Have someone on the bus transporting their matress.
17. always feel surprise when you actually arrive where you intended safely.


Anonymous said...

nope, sounds just like Canada! no one ever seems to have a problem when i bring my chickens on the bus and sit them on the roof =)
haha but seriously, sounds like the best bus ride ever!
miss you x123478075

Bekki said...

hahaha awwww. sounds awesome and funny and exciting.

Anonymous said...

it wouldnt be a bus trip without my trusty mattress. it acts as a barrier for drunks and allie's smelly chickens, and also provides as a good landing when i jump from the moving bus to my stop! sounds like brampton to me =)
miss you!

Anonymous said...

hey - how much are the pills?
i'd like to perhaps buy some for a young man i know who could be alot smarter... ;)

love the posts!!!

and sounds like you will be having turkey in december...
the only turkey Barb will be looking at is the guy sitting across the table from her...

(that'd be me btw)

hey take care and drop me an email when you get a chance!!!

love gerry

Anonymous said...

haha oh Laura, this sounds way too much like your kind of adventure! Remember when we complained about how uncomfortable the coach bus from Halifax to Antigonish was? we had such a rough time watching movies on the laptop and driving on safe highways! I feel like I could use some of this excitement in my life! I'm glad your having tons o' fun, keep safe though! we want you home in one piece babe! miss you tons! <3

Mummy said...

Laura, I think this is my favourite blog yet. That is hilarious. Think of all the stories you'll have for your potential kids/nieces/nephews.

NancyPickering said...

That is hysterical-what a ride!!
Between chickens, smart pills and mattresses,I am surprised there is any room left over for people.
Thers's a GREAT skit in all that material.
All good here with the exception that we had to say 'farewell' to our beloved Jasper last week. It was hard but he was unwell.

I have been with Meredith on a couple of occasions-buying lots of winter stuff -(snowed in Guelph already). She is swamped with school but good. John is busy enough with school and football.
Uncle Mike left for calgary, so I'll see Grandmum on Saturday morning maybe. Take care and BE SAFE! Love ya. xox