Thursday, October 9, 2008

snow day!

do you remember that amazing feeling of a snow day and a gift of all this free time to do anything (in em and my case to build a snow fort)?! well today i experience that except honduran style!
At 4 am this morning one of the volunteers left to head home and i guess without thinking she locked the door. unfortunately when you lock the deadbolt from the outside, you need to unlock it from the outside. so we (me and 2 other volunteers) woke up this morning to being locked inside our house! literally, our windows are barred, theres no other door... completely locked in! its a very strange feeling to just not have the option of leaving! anyway, i used to time wisely, and moved into my new room, we cleaned, went through and got rid of stuff... and wondered how hectic the school was short 4 teachers. finally about half way through the day, mirna (school director) came down after being forced by the other worried volunteers and let us out!

anyway, i dont start grade 4 until monday.. and as for this weekend, no trips but we´re going to a club in san pedro and at he rocks (pool, bar, restaurant owned by ben, we get everything there for free) they are getting a tv for a canada vs honduras fifa party... which may be embarrassing for me seeing as soccer isent really our sport!

anyway, its absolutely roasting here, i would guess 30 degrees, so before i sweat out my eyeballs im going to go! oh and i am sooo jealous of everyone having a thanksgiving dinner this weekend!


Anonymous said...

I'm laughing just picturing you laughing on that crazy ride with the peeing cow! I can picture you so well, loving the adventures!
Sounds like this is (and already has been) quite the trip Laura, and its going to be amazing to look back on no matter how crazy the kids are!
I wish I could send you a thanksgiving dinner!

Anonymous said...

how about if we mail you some pumpkin pie and turkey with stuffing? i thnk theres a pretty good chance it will still be good by the time it gets to you.. i'll use bubble wrap! that stuff just works for everything. miss you! good luck iwth grade 4 on monday :)

John Pickering said...

This is Hyphen:
Hello senorita Laura! Im with your cousin John, this is his account.

This is not a direct comment just a general one, Grandmum sends her love and be safe and that we're thinking of you

Pickering's: Same as Above

John: next time try not to get locked inside the house because you have important work to do.

Good luck with your grade 4's and keep the blog updated

Love Uncle Hyphen

Anonymous said...

hey Laura D - love the posts
sounds like you are getting right into the thick of it - that's great
looking forward to hearing more about your experiences and your switch to grade four

btw - no turkey in bunia either...waaa waaaaa :(

and the chickens are pretty freaking scrawny so we feel sorry whenever they get killed for our meals!!!

where are you situated exactly so we can find it on a map...

take care - miss ya - love ya

gerry & barb

Bekki said...

awww i miss you. i wish i went with you!!!

NancyPickering said...

We thought of you and prayed for you while we celebrated Thanksgiving dinner at Lora BAy. Uncle Rick passed down his 'famous mashed potato recipe' to Meredith and John was assigned the challenge of learning how to make the gravy-so the process begins of elders teaching the 'next generatiom'!!

Grandmum was with us and Meredith;'s boyfriend ,Barrie joined us as well. It was a fabulous weekend and the weather was HOT HOT HOT!! The leaves were beautiful and Uncle Rick is lovin' Hot Tubbin!!

We think of you alot and hope you are well ---Grandmum wants us to report on your well being so we are all reading your blog!!

Love to you- good luck with 4th graders-you'll be great.
Ola for now. love Aunt Nancy