Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Settling In..

Hey everyone!
so sorry thi has taken so long.. ok so from the beginning i guess.
after pretty much 24 hours of flying and airporting, i arrived safe and sound to no luggage and no one to pick me up. After finiding one person who spoke english, he was helping me look up`a number to call, when a sketchy greesy hhonduran who spoke NO english cap to me with a sign. he hda his cell with him which had the school director Mirna on it. anyway, after a very fun ride (i wish i could drive like that all the time!) i ende up at ¨the rocks¨ aka bens house. ben is the old man, mirnas husband, who funds the school nd gets volunteers... he tells me all bou honduras... and finally mirna takes me to the house.
the girls at the house are all older that me, theres carla who is a pharmacist, daniella a permanent wander (going home for grad school) and betsy, done grad school and taking a break. In the other house there re 2 guys and heather who just left without even giving the place a chance. anyway, i was super disppointed because noone was social, put in much effort of was passionate about the school. It just seemed like everyone wa here for the hell of it and was independant. The village is sweet and only if you´ve been to central america can you begin to understand it.. from the bags of water, to the wild dog, the barbed wire, crazy driving... i hopeto put up pictures soon!
anywy, since then it been a struggle to truely feel settled in this place with noone to relate to. At the beginning i felt like i had tobe someone else, but since then I´ve gien up trying to fit in with these people nd stuck to what i believe.
Anyway, I got my luggage yesterday and have been in the school 2 dasy now. The kids are INSANE·! i teach kinder in the morning and then grade 1.. they have no structure and just go where they want, climb bookshelves, take what they want... they dont even acknowledge you´re there for the most part. its going to take a really long time to build engough sturcture in te class to actually get to the point of learning. oh and do i ever wish i spoke spanish! anyway, i just hope that i can stick with it enough and keep my determination to make a difference in these kids lives, because english sklls will truely change their lives, although that seem impossible now.
anyway, i´ve just been prying my way through it!
this weekend the other volunteers and i are going to gracias, a cool town with hot springs, a mountiain to climb, cloud forest... so at least thats something to look forward to.
anyway, thats all for now! Ill try to keep in touch as best i can.
i wouldnt say i love this plaec yet.. but its definately a change, and ill just have to put in alot to make it a full, passionate experience!
Pray for me!
miss you alllll and thnks for the commments!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


so todays the big day. Up until yesterday, I didn't really know what to feel about leaving. But in the past 2 days I've flipped between feeling excited and that I make dumb decisions. Feeling really ridiculous for signing up to move so far away for 8 months, when i don't know anyone, don't know how to teach, have never been there and don't speak the language. And then feeling excited to try a million new things, go on adventures, and be apart of a whole new culture. As of now, I just feel stressed about all the packing and details.
I fly out at 8 tonight, to begin my flights and layovers. And I guess the next time I post will be when I get there!